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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Lost Art of Letter Writing: Daisy -> Gatsby

Dearest Jay,
     I know that when I was younger, I had many dates and was in many relationships, however the one we had was different than all the others. I will never forget the heart beat that danced around in my chest that one October afternoon. As we sat in my white roadster, I felt deep inside of me that you were the one. My feelings were like clay; molded into something that became solid over time. Although war came between us five long years ago, I can not hide the fact that your presence was noted everyday in my thoughts. Sometimes, at night, I wonder what my life would be like if I would have married you and not Tom.
     I lay awake some nights finding myself disgusted with the man I call my husband, the father of my child. The night before my wedding was the roughest of them all.The letter you wrote me only solidified my desire to be called your wife, but as the letter, the last physical memory I had left of you disintegrated, so did my hope. I needed to move on, Jay; I did not want to, but I had to. With that thought in mind, I made the biggest mistake of my life in marrying Tom. I wish you were my husband, Jay, I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you, but it is not that easy. I love you so much, and I always have. I hope and pray every night that we will once again be able to be together, as our love has been rekindled recently. I admire you and your home and your way of life. Hopefully we can share our ways of life one day.
                           Love always and forever, Daisy <3


  1. My dearest Daisy,
    I am enthralled to hear that you still love me. I am so happy that I think the pen may explode from me writing this letter. Or maybe my heart will explode onto it instead (that would be a mess). Anyways, you have no idea how much more at ease I can sleep, knowing that you are still mine. Tom cannot fully comprehend what stands before him: a beautiful, intricate young lady whose charm knows no bounds. We must arrange more meetings so that we can spend more time with each other. Now I can go to bed and rest easily, because I know that I have you by my side. I wish you sweet dreams (I know mine will be) and good night. I am yours forever more.
    Jay Gatsby

  2. My beloved Daisy,
    I am immensely estatic that you love me. I know those five years that I was gone deeply affected you because it did the same for me. However, I know our love is strong enough where we can pick up from where we left off and continue our relationship. I never stopped thinking about you since that October where we spent the day together in your roadster. I am discouraged to hear that my note has caused so much pain to your lfe. However, I do not regret a single word I said to you in my letter. My love for you never died but strengthened over time. I have come to realize that life without you is a life without happiness. I could have all the money in the world and yet I would still be imcomplete without you. I need you in my life. I will do everything it takes to be with you once again, even if I have to die trying.
    Love forever and always,
    Jay Gatsby
